한국 최고의 체스 선생님

7월.... 체코오픈 가고프다 본문


7월.... 체코오픈 가고프다

koreasgm 2013. 11. 13. 13:12



올해 7월 11일~ 28일까지 열렸고 내년에는

We are looking forward to seeing you at Czech Open 2014 festival which will take place

10.-27.7. 2014.


7월 10일부터 27일까지 열린다는데 내년 내가 참가할수 있는 파트는 18일부터일듯... ]

뭐 미리 가서 레피드나 블리츠 토너먼트를 경험해보는것도 괜찮을듯 싶기도하고...


유럽대회 하나 나가보려 했는데 여기나 가볼까????


그런데 참고로 나는 레이팅 오픈 B조로는 참가 못한다


1800 이상만 참가 가능하데나 뭐래나...-_-


뭔 억울해도 어쩔수 없지 정 억울하면 내년 7월까지 1800이 되던가


아니면 레이팅 오픈c조(U2200이하부분)로 나갈수 밖에...





10th – 27th July 2014, Pardubice, Czech Republic


Subject to small alternation



A)  18.-27.7. Open grand master tournament - GM and IM norms, rating for ACP TOUR and FIDE

- ELO FIDE >= 2100, 9 rounds by Swiss system, 1,5h / 40 moves + 30 min + 30s / each move from the first move


B)  18.-27.7. Open rating tournament  - rating for FIDE

- ELO FIDE  >= 1700 and < 2400, 9 rounds by Swiss system, 1,5h / 40 moves + 30 min + 30s / each move from the first move


C)  19.-27.7. Open rating tournament - rating for FIDE

- ELO FIDE < 2100 or without ELO FIDE, 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 2h + 30s/move


D)  19.-27.7. Open rating tournament - rating for FIDE

- ELO FIDE < 1700 or without ELO FIDE, 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 2h + 30s/move


E) 10.-13.7. Open Championship of the Czech Republic of 4-member team tournament - rating for FIDE

- without limitations, 7 rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 1,5h + 30s/move


F)  18.7. Open 4-member team tournament of youngsters up to 16 years of age

- players born in 1998 and younger, 7 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 15min. + 5 s /move


G1) 16.-17.7. Open Championship of the Czech Republic in rapid chess - rating for FIDE and ACP TOUR

- without limitations, 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 15min. + 10s /move


G2) 16.-17.7. Open rapid tournament - rating for FIDE

- ELO FIDE < 2100 or without ELO FIDE, 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 15min. + 10s /move


G3) 16.-17.7. Open rapid tournament - rating for FIDE

- ELO FIDE < 1700 or without ELO FIDE, 9 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 15min. + 10s /move


H) 14.-15.7. Open Championship of the Czech Republic in blitz marathon

- without limitations, each with each (max. 24 hours), 2 x 5 min.


I) 20.7. Open blitz k.o. tournament - rating for FIDE

- without limitations, 11 rounds by Swiss system + k. o., 2x 3min. + 2s /move


J) 11.-16.7. Open rating tournament - rating for FIDE

- without  limitations, 7 rounds by Swiss system, 1,5h / 40 moves + 30 min + 30s / each move from the first move


K) 12.-13.7. Problem Solving Competition

- without limitations, solving system according to rules of the world solving championship


L) 14.7. Open Championship of the Czech Republic of bughouse

- pairs of players without limitations, system according to the number of participants, 2x 3min. + 2s /move (Bronstein)


M) 15.7. Open Championship of the Czech Republic of Fischerandom chess

- without limitations, 7 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 15min. + 10s /move


N) 16.7.  Open super blitz chess tournament

- without limitations, 13 double rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 3 min.


O) 14.7. Open pairs tournament in rapid chess

- pairs of players without limitations, 7 rounds by Swiss system, 2x 10min. + 5 s /move


P) 15.7. Open pairs blitz tournament

- pairs of players without limitations, 11-13 rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 5 min.


Q1, Q2, Q3) 22.-24.7. Open blitz tournaments series - 3 separate tournaments

- without limitations, 13 rounds by Swiss system, 2 x 5 min.


R) 26.7. Open 4-member teams blitz tournament

- without limitations, system according to the number of participants, 2 x 5 min.


S) 15.7. Polgar Superstar Chess World Championship

- without limitations, system according to the number of participants, 2x 5 min. + 2 s/move


More detailed information:

AVE-KONTAKT s.r.o., Strossova 239, 530 03 Pardubice, the Czech Republic,

tel./fax + 420 - 466 535 200, mobile phone + 420 608 203 007, e-mail:,  Internet:, Facebook:

